Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bloggers of the world unite

This is my response to the article 'Bloggers of the world unite' in the Sydney Morning Herald (week 2, reader).

This article highlights the effect of:

  • citizen journalism and the conflict of ideas
  • how journalism blogging is positioned in terms of the mainstream media
  • blogger bias
  • the emotional violence involved in blogging
  • YOU - the person of the year
  • and finally...
  • cross-cultural understanding

I would say that the conflict of ideas is certainly inevitable within the blogosphere - considering that there is no censorship and the ideas flow outward with little interference. In my opinion, you can achieve a dynamic understanding of the world through discussing, debating and listening and/or reading other social groups' ideas. People's values are shaped through their environment and culture - so are their opinions. Conflict, in terms of blogging can be considered a good thing, so long as everything remains civil and does not erupt into something serious which may threaten someone's life.

It had been predicted that when the internet "took off" newspapers and television news would be obliterated as forms of media. This of course, was a false prediction, as internet only became another, more immediate source of information, and did not eliminate the other means of communication. However, blogging allows much more freedom and can also be anonymous. Good citizen journalist bloggers are more open and honest about their biases and beliefs - whereas traditional forms of media claim to be objective when in actual fact - they persuade and manipulate their audience.

As a result of this free flow of information, 'emotional violence' emerges. When each publisher is determined to maintain the upper hand, a power struggle ensues! What do you think of this? Do you think conflict is positive or negative?


STELLA said...

I love your post Emily!!
I think we should allow conflict in this era if fast information flow, and in terms of blogging especially. And yeah, as long as it does not turn into something that migh cause demerit to someone, conflict is good. But isn't it hard to set a boundaries of which is "safe" and which has crossed the line?
In the sense of conflict between traditional and modern media, I think it is unaviodable too. Digital media, like what you said, allow more freedom and more "opinionative" too. Whereas conservative media maintains objectivity. The conflict, I reckon, both sides are worrying about losing power. And yeah, the conflict is positive, because it makes our society "alive" and encourages development in the media.

SonYa said...

I totally agree with your comment, in discussing and reading and listening to other social groups and ideas is highly essential to become knowable of the facts and social issues in our society. The best way to get a uncensored opinion is from the greatest source ….. “The internet”. YES! Blogging has been a great phenomenon for all as it provides a uncensored opinion and a true opinion on particular social issues. The main important thing to consider however that is the blogging system has caused many problems over the past and still does in the present.