Thursday, October 16, 2008

Everyday people reporting

Hi everyone in Comm 315 and anyone else who happens upon my wonderful page!

I've created a blog to discuss and describe what I am learning in Comm315, otherwise known as Production Skills III. We are investigating CITIZEN JOURNALISM.

Citizen Journalism is a relatively new term in the world of cyberspace. In basic terms it is ordinary people who do not have qualifications in journalism, who are publishing their own version of the news, criticisms and opinions via a blog. I use a blog, but its intention is rather trivial. My blog acts as a public online diary about my daily activities, the comics I draw and the narratives I write. These days, anyone can be a published writer, so to speak.

When you publish your work (whether it be written, or I guess, podcasted) it will essentially be accessible to the entire cyber world, depending on your privacy settings of course. It's a great way to express your opinion, share your arguments and tell it how you think it is. While looking through the Comm315 reader, on the first page I found this quote "by the people, for the people" very precise in describing the definition of Citizen Journalism.

In the past, people have consumed the news and accepted it in terms of value. Now, we have the technological ability to write and publish the news. This raises questions about accuracy and thoroughness. There is no sure way to know if what is written in a blog is true. Afterall, anyone can publish anything in their blog, there are no rules or regulators. Depending on the purpose of your blog, you might want people to know the truth. In this case, be factual. Do research, and tell the truth. It is also a good idea to read a range of blogs in order to gain a better understanding of blogging about politics and news.

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